Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Niche Marketing Super Tip

This is a quick method of using hot current search terms to generate niche sites and high levels of Adsense and other advertising income.

There is a way to check the top search terms on Google on an hour by hour basis. This Google page enables you to check search trends in almost real time:

Knowing the top search terms as they happen brings huge AdWords and Adsense opportunities.

These top search terms are often very specific and will have virtually no competition. This means you can bring people to your site using these keywords in AdWords for a few cents. Then you can potentially generate substantial income from direct advertising (eg ClickBank or Commission Junction), and from on-selling this traffic (eg through Adsense).

Many of these terms relate to current news items. They will be exceptionally hot for several hours, and then taper off over the next few days or weeks. For example, as I write it is 7pm in Omaha, Nebraska. A few hours ago at the Westroads Mall Robert Hawkins shot and killed eight people then himself. He left a note saying he was going to be famous. Hmm...

At the moment nine out of the top twelve search terms entered into Google relate to this incident.

No one would want to make money out of tragedy like this. Except newspaper and other media organisations, of course.

On the other hand, the reason people enter these search terms is that they are looking for information.

It would take an hour to set up a one stop site to give people the information they are looking for. Using this example, you could:

  • Add to one of your existing domains a subdomain with Robert Hawkins' name - eg
  • Read the news stories and write a quick summary of events so far.
  • Add a relevant newsfeed or feeds. A quick search for "Omaha news feeds" brings up dozens of pages, including
  • Add a couple of good articles on recent mass murderers and their motivations.
  • Add articles with other relevant information (criminal psychology, background information on Omaha, etc).
  • Add a few links to appropriate sites - the local sherriff's department, other emergency services, counselling services, etc.
But you may not feel comfortable with using an incident like this as an income generating opportunity. I wouldn't.

The hourly reports also show a number of hot search terms which don't cause the same moral concern. There are the perennial favourites: Britney Spears nude, Jenifer Love Hewitt beach photos, Paris Hilton sex tape, etc. These markets are well and truly covered (even though their subjects may not be)!

There are still opportunities here. Mispelt versions of these names also bring good traffic - eg Brittany, Hewit, etc. without the same competition for keywords.

But the opportunities to offer a genuine service and make some money doing so come from the other, perhaps unexpected, currently hot search terms. At the moment these include 'Stafford County public school', 'ge microwave recall', and 'for one more day'.

Follow the process outlined above, that is, set up a subdomain with the search term you have chosen, write your own summary of the event, etc, etc.

This doesn't take long, but you must be on top of events - following the news hour by hour.

If you plan to make an income from this, you will also want to have a couple of web page templates set up so you can just drop in the relevant content. This method is intense and demanding, but potentially very profitable.

Lots more at

Monday, December 3, 2007

Get Google Ads Free - Review

In my opinion this product is a scam. I was so annoyed after I bought it I asked for a refund. This is the one about the guy who has discovered a little known 'twist' in the way Google works, got $87 million in free advertising, and now wants to share his secret. Yeah, right!

I should have remembered that old saying 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.' I knew as soon as I started to read it that it was not going to deliver.

The first third of the book is testimonials and excuses about why he really isn't sharing any secret. The second third tells you how to recover some of your advertising costs by reselling advertising on your site. I guess this is the secret. See free tip eleven on for the same advice. The last third tries to convince you of the huge profits to be made by becoming an affiliate and offering this book for sale on your site. Still for sale at $67 or more. Don't bother.

More tips and reviews at

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Success with AdWords

Getting the Best Ad Spots 2

Pay the least you can to get into the top three. Obvious, really. But how?

Unfortunately Google doesn't tell you how much your competitors are paying for their clicks. There are various 'bid management' systems which will charge from $25 a month to track your keywords. Don't bother, unless you are a large company with a massive budget and you just can't keep track of your ad campaigns.

There are also programs which claim to provide detailed information about keyword popularity, competitor bid levels, etc. Probably the best known of these is Key Word Elite. I would love to have advertised that product on my site. It pays affiliates $93 per sale! Then I tried it. I found it clunky and confusing, and its results were only intermittently more useful than Google and Overture's free tools.

Even though Google doesn't tell you what competitors are paying, it does tell you when your bid is enough to get into the top three. When you set up your adwords campaign, the keywords traffic estimates page will tell you (roughly) where your ad will be positioned - eg 1-3, 4-6, etc. For example, a bid of just 20c will get you a 4-6 position for the phrase 'computer parts'.

But you want to get into the top three. Try increasing this to 85c (just a guess at this stage). Yes! This will get you a top three result. Google also tells you your actual cost will be between 52c and 78c. You can find screen captures of this on my site

Now go back and enter a bid of 53c. Click 'Re-estimate traffic.' Still yes! This bid will get you a position between 1 and 3, and at a cost of between 32c and 53c.

This means you are in the top three at perhaps half the price you might otherwise have paid. This process takes a little time, but as I said at the beginning, if you want to be a success, you have to be prepared to put both time and thought into your business.

Remember you don't always pay your maximum bid - only what you need to beat the person next in line (like Ebay). If you put some thought into it, you may be able to come up with other ways to use this fact to your advantage!

Because effective advertising is essential to the success of your business you should check your advertising campaign at least daily. Your competitors will be doing this (or you should assume they will be!) and bids can change frequently.

You also need to check which keywords and ads are working for you. Keep the ones that are, make small changes, one thing at a time, to the ones that aren't. Check whether those changes have made a difference. It will take a little time, but you will gradually build up an arsenal of highly effective and efficient (ie money-making) ads and keywords.

Success with AdWords

Getting the Best Ad Spots 1

The 'hot spot' for high click-through rates (and this is what you want - people coming to your site) is the the top three positions - either in the organic results or the sponsored results.

In the sponsored results it doesn't seem to make any difference whether you are number one, two or three. So for high click-through rates, you need to get into the top three. To make money you need to do this as cheaply as you can.

The first way to do this is to bid on key words relevant to your business, but for which there is not much competition. So for a store selling horse feed in Jacksonville, Ohio, you might have to pay 97c to get a top three spot for the phrase 'horse feed'. That would soon add up, and many of the people who clicked on that general phrase would not buy from your local business. Most of your customers are going to come from Jacksonville, or at least Ohio.

A top three spot for a general match to 'horse feed Ohio' might only cost you 19c. A top three spot for a general match to 'horse feed Jacksonville Ohio' might only cost 7c, and your conversion rate (the percentage of people who click on your ad and then buy from you) will be higher.

These longer, very specific keyword phrases are sometimes called ‘longtail’ keywords, and they can be very profitable. In particular niches (a phrase for a very narrow or specific market) there is often little competition for keywords, and people who enter these phrases are telling you very clearly exactly what they want. If you can meet their needs, your chances of getting a sale from people entering your longtail keywords as search terms is high.

Lots more at

Everything you need to make money from AdWords and AdSense, free!

This blog is about sharing real world experience of using AdWords and Adsense to build site traffic, increase sales, and generate revenue.

I'll also share reviews of AdWord and Adsense ebooks and programs.

There lots of guides to making money with AdWords and Adsense, and most of them are overpriced nonsense. Some of them offer incorrect information, some of them are flatly immoral in the techniques they suggest, while a few offer one or two useful tips - which are usually available on the net for free. Check here before paying out good money!

Comments are welcome. Please share your experiences. If you've paid for an AdWords or Adsense resource, let us know what you thought of it.

There is a complete AdWords textbook on my website - everything you need to make money and succeed with adWords, free!

I also have an 'about me' page on Ebay, which you are welcome to visit.